Going Back To School
As your child goes back to school, there are a few things to remember. School is a trigger for many kids. Coming off a long, lazy summer, some kids will get anxious and depressed. So much is NEW: New teachers. New friends. New classes. New expectations to adjust to. I...
What Kind of Therapist are You?
What kind of therapist are you? I get asked that question often. The short answer is I'm a master's level therapist. Masters level therapists are licensed by the state of Texas. We have passed state board exams, and we are held accountable to strict codes of ethics...
When Your Daughter Doesn’t Want To Go To School
You are walking down the hallway with a friend. Girls say hello to her but not you. You sit down at the lunch table, and everyone mysteriously gets up. You speak to a close friend and she gives you a blank stare. Have you become invisible? Yes, you have. Without even...
When Your Daughter Gossips
There’s nothing like kids to make you justify every piece of advice you give. Any stated opinion can raise a multitude of objections. As in the case of discussing gossip and rumors, I can say, “Don’t talk about people. Don’t talk bad about people. Don’t repeat...
What Are Our Children Listening To?
A few weeks ago I was whistling the tune Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People, and one of the students asked me, “Mrs. Goodwin, Did you know that song is about a boy going on a shooting spree?” “What? No way!” I raced over to my computer and looked up the lyrics and...
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